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Coaching Programmes




All  my programmes are completely tailored to you. It's one of my favourite things about coaching. I get to design something completely unique!

We chose a specific focus for our time together based on one of the below themes - though during the programme we might dip into some of the other areas too.

Select one of the options below to see if they sounds like something that might work for you.

Six Week Programme

Seven hours & 30 mins

  • One-to-one coaching calls – 45 - 90 mins per session; 

  • One in-depth planning session so we are both clear on what you want out of coaching. 

  • A mid-programme review so we can work-out what's getting you the best results.

  • A review session after the programme to help you accumulate all that you've learn.

  • Weekly check-ins (optional) to keep you on track;

  • Unlimited access to me between sessions for questions or answers or to clarify something. I respond within 8 hours; 

  • A tailored programme. No one coaching programme is the same. 


Three Month Programme

Tweleve hours

Image by Diego PH
  • One-to-one coaching calls – 45-90 mins per session; 

  • One in-depth planning session so we are both clear on what you want out of coaching. 

  • A mid-programme review so we can work-out what's getting you the best results.

  • A review session after the programme to help you accumulate all that you've learn.

  • Weekly check-ins (optional) to keep you on track;

  • Two follow-up calls after the programme;

  • Unlimited access to me between sessions for questions or answers or to clarify something. I respond within 8 hours; 

  • A tailored programme. No one coaching programme is the same. 


Career Coaching: Purpose

Purpose & Motivation

Many clients come to me because they’re looking for their purpose. The feel like there is more and they don’t know how to access it. It’s an itch they can’t scratch. They’re know they could feel differently but just aren’t sure how to.Every day they feel like time is slowly slipping them by. The don’t want to regret their lives but they feel they could end-up this way if they don’t start to go after their dreams. Some don’t even know what their dreams are!


And this makes sense, scientific research now shows that others’ perceptions of us impact our outcomes and the trajectory of our life. Unless we become aware of how these perceptions and the societal norms we grow-up in impact our self-concept and what we think is possible, we can't change them.

I help you identify these and we come-up with practical and empowering ways to help you be the fuller version of you. We tap into this fuller version of you and figure out what you really want. This allows my clients to tweak, build or re-design their lives in a way that allows them to feel like their thriving. We do this through a program that is totally tailored for you. It nearly always includes helping you work-out what your needs and values are in all areas of your life (or we pick a few if there are specific areas you want to focus on).  We look at some of the things you’ve learnt in life, we identify your strengths and we focus on your skills too.


The length of the programs varies as it depends on what you want to achieve, how much time you can allocate between sessions and your specific situation.​If you want to start on this journey take a look at some of the book recommendations on my blog.


If you’re ready to stop feeling lost and want to finally take back control of your time, attention, and life. If you finally want to start dreaming big and going after your true desires (once we work out what they are), this program is for you!


​What dreams do you have and who do you need to be to achieve them? Message me on: and we can talk it through. There is zero pressure. I won't seek to "sell myself". I'll listen, answer your questions and figure out how we could work together. 

Image by Brett Jordan

Coaching: Confidence

Gain Confidence

Are you tired of holding back, scared to speak up or take risks? Do you feel like your lack of self-esteem is holding you back from chasing your dreams and living your best life? Well, guess what? You don't have to face these challenges alone. I'm here to guide and support you, so you can unlock your full potential, gain confidence, and ignite your self-esteem.


I specialize in helping individuals like you overcome self-doubt, build self-assurance, and develop a positive self-image. My goal is to empower you to embrace your unique qualities and tap into your personal power, unleashing a newfound confidence that impacts every aspect of your life.


My approach is all about learning and strengthening the skills of confidence and self-esteem. I understand

that your journey is one-of-a-kind, which is why I offer personalized coaching programs tailored to your needs and goals.


My approach is all about learning and strengthening the skills of confidence and self-esteem. I understand that your journey is one-of-a-kind, which is why I offer personalized coaching programs tailored to your needs and goals. Through proven techniques, practical exercises, and supportive guidance, I'll help you break free from self-limiting beliefs and embrace your true potential.


Together, we'll create a safe and judgment-free space where you can explore your inner world, uncovering the root causes of your low self-esteem. By understanding the origins of these negative self-perceptions, we can work together to reframe them and replace them with empowering thoughts and attitudes.


We'll also focus on practical strategies to boost your external presence. Developing effective communication skills, assertiveness techniques, and mastering body language will empower you to express yourself authentically and confidently in any situation. Finding your voice and establishing healthy boundaries will make it easier to navigate relationships and interactions with confidence and ease.


But that's not all. We'll also work on cultivating a positive self-image through self-care practices and self-compassion. Prioritizing your well-being and engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfilment will make your self-esteem flourish. I'll equip you with tools to establish healthy habits, manage stress, and make self-care a priority. These foundational elements contribute to long-lasting confidence and self-esteem.


Imagine waking up every day with a sense of empowerment and unshakable belief in yourself. Picture yourself embracing challenges, pursuing your goals with enthusiasm, and feeling confident in everything you do. 


Don't let self-doubt and low self-esteem hold you back any longer. Take that first step towards a more confident and fulfilling life by reaching out to me today. 

Coaching: Connection

Communication Image.png

Connection & Communication

Do you feel you make yourself small? Do you struggle to articulate your wants or needs? Are you crippled by a fear of social rejection or that what you say will impact your professional reputation? Do you feel anxious when you see a group of people? Do you find it impossible to be yourself unless you are totally alone or with people you know really well? Do you feel like this is holding you back or preventing you from taking some of the opportunities that you really want to take?

Coaching Communication: Programme Structure

We work on all fronts: intellectually, emotionally, physically, intuitively and practically. It's holisitic and integrative.


Identify Your Values & Super Skills

The reasons you're self-censoring - we'll get in touch with you core concept and the beliefs you unconsciously hold about yourself and your environment.


Understand Needs & Emotions
in Communication

We identify incremental challenges together so each week you are able to step outside your comfort zone a little more.


We identify your needs in the social situations you feel like you're struggling in and we find alternative ways to meet those needs. 


Know What to Say & How To Say It

​​I will provide you with scripts and concepts to help you communicate your point, as well as learning how to say no and yes! 


We practice what you want to say and get you feeling comfortable in your own skin. 


Find the Patterns Holding You Back

We get crystal clear about the precise details of what is happening in your body and mind when you self-doubt. I.e. we map out all the patterns going on around asking for what you want. 


I teach you how to tap into your inner strength and confidence. I will give you tools and techniques to do this in a variety of situations.

Speaking at Conference
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